Standard 48-Hour Turnaround

24-Hour Rush Service Available


Do you need a resume, but

don’t know where to start?

Stand out above dozens of applicants!

A professionally written resume will effectively represent your personality, experience, skills, talents, and increase your confidence during the interview process.

check-40319_640 copyOur Services are Income Tax Deductible!


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Why Hire a Professional?
Trying to write your own resume is
like trying to repair your own hi-tech car

yourself.  We hire all types of services:
plumbers, appliance repairmen, etc.
Isn’t your future more valuable than
these things?

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20+ Years of Experience
I have been writing resumes for my
private clients and also writing for
employment agencies to increase their
hire rates.  Know who you are
working with. All work
is custom written by me.

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Reasonable Rates/
Fast Completion
It’s my goal to provide you with the
highest quality resumes, cover letters,
thank you letter, and other
correspondence items at
reasonable rates.

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 Simple Steps to Create Your Resume

  • Go to the order page and select your services and add it to the shopping cart.
  • I will contact you by phone to schedule an interview.
  • Gather your information, complete the scheduled interview, and your work is done.
  • You will receive your first draft back via email within the time that you selected (24 or 48 hours).
  • I keep your file indefinitely.  Should you need to make changes to your resume in the future, you will only be charged for the changes and not for a new resume.


Why Hire a Professional Resume Writer?

We often hate to pay someone for their services when we feel that we can do it for for ourself and save money.  However, here are a few questions you should ask yourself before you decide.

  • How many resumes have you read or written?
  • Can you write about yourself objectively to build up your strengths and downplay your weaknesses?
  • Are you up-to-date on the techniques to write a powerful resume and do you know how the employment process may have changed since your last job search?
  • Do you use your grammar, persuasion, and creative writing skills on a regular basis?
  • Do you have the skills to write an attractive, focused, and interesting resume?
  • Do you know how to manipulate the type and spacing using Microsoft Word on your resume to make it attractive and catching to the reader’s eye?
  • Do you know what a key word is and how to use them effectively?
  • Do you know what a scannable resume is and how to create one?
  • Do you understand what you potential employer is looking for on a resume?
  • Have you been searching for a new job a long time, but you aren’t getting the interviews that you need.
  • Have you been procrastinating looking for a new job because you have a break in your work history and don’t know how to explain the lapse on your resume?
  • Do you know how to effectively translate your life and work experience to up-level to a better and more exciting position?The great news that I do know how to do all of these things, and I can do it for you!

If you are finally ready to create the opportunities and the future that you dream about, lets get started on your resume!

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